These rules apply to all members, guests, and visitors who wish to use the greens for roll up practice.
- No roll ups allowed before 8.30am or after 5.30pm
- No roll ups allowed on any green on Mondays before 12.30pm
- No roll ups allowed on any green on which competition or social play is occurring until after all games have been completed
- No roll ups allowed on any green after play has been cancelled that day due to inclement weather
- No driving practice is allowed without the correct backing catchment mat being in place.
- Decent clothing and footwear must be worn for all roll up activities
- The bringing of alcohol onto the premises for consumption during roll ups is not allowed.
- There are no roll ups allowed if the Director of Greens issues an instruction stating that work is being undertaken therefore making the greens unavailable.
Roll up on a different rink each time rather than continuously roll up on the same green and rink.
See also the